Channel: Dennis's Diary of Destruction » 2012
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me verzis feeesta iland plus the sun almost insinerayts the erth!!!!!


hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog hay this weekend mama and dada finaly got on the stik and tuk us to feeesta iland in the mithical land of sandy eggo ware we he had a lot of fun wandring arownd eksploring and plus the insinerayshun of the erth was narrowly avoyded by my kwik thinking it wuz reely an amayzing day!!!

wel at first wen we arrivd at feeesta iland we had no ideea of the firy horror that awayted no it just lukd like a tipical winter day in sandy eggo a little windy but nuthing to indikayt that the sun wood shortly looze its mind


we went abowt owr yoozual feeesta iland bizness of running arownd and smelling stuf even tucker ran arownd a bit:


we did owr yoozual eksploring in the weedz:


and along the ridj:


but hmmmmm isnt the reflekshun of the sun on the water gitting kind of brite??? maybe it is just my imadjinayshun oh hay see that puddel their on the left??? wel let me tel yoo me and tucker had a grayt time chaysing eech other arownd in a big mud puddel their were thrils and spils and splashing and mud and i am pretty shoor that at wun poynt i saw speed rayser go by chek it owt:

see now i shud eksplayn that dada wuz playing with his noo kamra and evidently this kamra comes with sumthing calld “direkshuns” wot dada hasnt red properly and so wen he thawt he wuz recording us playing in the mud he wuz akchooally just watching us on the littel screen inside the kamra and wen he thawt he stopd recording us wuz wen he akchooally started oh wel dun dada i am shoor my nice reederz ar thrild to hav missd the mud ressling!!!! did yoo notiss tucker calling dada a hack at the end of the viddyo??? yoo tel him tucker!!!

wel ennyway after the wunderful gaym of mud chayse wot yoo wil never ever see we continyood wawking along the sandy rodes of feeesta iland checking owt the wunderful smels and wotnot:


ahhhh yes wide open spayses peeese and kwiet and hay wot the hek???


kurse yoo paparazzi!!!! dont yoo hav ennything better to do then follow me arownd in yore silly helikopters??? i think andjeleena jolee must be having anuther baby or sumthing go tayk a pikcher of her!!! but then i notisd that the eevil jeenyuses at see wurld had finaly fired up there long awayted deth ray wot wuz intended to pul the sun into the erth berning all the other amyoozement parks to a krisp so that the only wun left wood be see wurld itself:


kurse yoo eevil jeenyus shamoo!!! as yoo can see there dastardly plan wuz abowt to sukseed wen i sprang into akshun!!!!



yes it may luk like i am just tayking a random tinkel at the end of that viddyo wot dada finaly manadjed to shoot but in reeality i am cooling off the erth so that it is not insinerayted by the sun!!!! and then of korse see wurld had to tern off its deth ray becuz it wuz time for shamoos show and as evrywun nos their is not enuf elektrissity in californya to power both the see wurld deth ray and the see wurld jumbotron at the saym time and thus disaster wuz narrowly averted!!!


as the sun reternd to its akkustomd spot in the sky we reezoomd owr peeseful eksplorayshun of feeesta iland heer ar me and trixie in owr nobel silowetts as the sun reeseeds yes its anuther suksesful sooperheero operayshun wel dun trixie!!! and heer is trixie protekting me frum the scary shadow man wot follows dada arownd all the time:


sum day i wil figger owt how to destroy yoo shadow man!!! wel after all that eksitement we sat down in the piknik areea for a wile


hay luk their ar sum garbadj cans neerby!!!


now i no wot yoo ar thinking yoo ar thinking hay dennis that luks like yoo sniffing arownd the garbadj not tucker but the trooth is i wuz just trying to find a littel snak for tucker becuz he wuz too tired to do it himself i personaly hav no intrest in garbadj yuck bleh!!!! ok wel that wuz abowt the end of owr trip to feeesta iland altho before we left i wuz mobd by sum of my adoring fans:


wel ok so maybe me and tucker and trixie owtnumberd my adoring fans by three to wun but stil it wuz just like wen the beetels came to america and wer chaysed arownd by all those shreeking teenaydj girls rite??? rite??? rite it wuz just eksaktly the saym!!! wel then it wuz time to leev but tucker had compleetly run owt of enerdjy so mama had to kerry him bak to the car poor poor tucker it must be so hyoomilyating to hav to be kerried arownd like a baby!!!


thats ok tucker we havnt lost enny reespekt for yoo becuz we never had enny ha ha wel ennyway that wuz the end of owr day at feeesta iland we stopd at the gayt for wun last luk bak at the park:


hmmmm the sun stil luks a littel big but i think that just meens spring is on the way now i am pretty shoor it is not becuz we ar all going to be bernd to a krisp at leest not until 2012 ha ha ok bye


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