hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy noo yeer!!! i tuk the libertee of dokyoomenting owr noo yeerz eev partee last nite chek it owt!!!
as yoo can see we had a wild old time!!!
i mayd a noo yeerz rezolooshun wot abowt evrywun else???
i gess owr littel mowse frend duznt beleev in bettring himself thru the rezolooshun prosess ha ha
oh the ball has dropd!!! i think that meenz it is twenny twelv now!!!
happee noo yeer to all of yoo my nice reederz!!! tucker is avaylabul to assist yoo with wotever food relayted rezolooshuns yoo mite hav mayd!!! ok bye